Thursday, October 21, 2010

First Flight

I am REALLY behind on posting.  So I'm going to try to do a little catching up.  Back in August Celia took her first trip out of Texas.  We visited our friends Elsa, Frank and Leo in Atlanta.  Celia was great on her first flight.  We stayed in downtown Atlanta and walked to the aquarium, the Children's Museum and CNN.

Entertaining Daddy on the flight:

 At the Children's Museum, riding the tractor:

LOVED pushing this cart around!

I think she actually took the cart from this guy.  Or maybe he was trying to take it from her.

 Leo helping Celia out with her paci.

Family pic at the aquarium.

Atlanta had these cool fountains.  So we put Celia in her swimsuit and let her play.  There were a ton of other kids running through them.  She had so much fun and wasn't at all scared.

1 comment:

  1. I must have missed this post. I'm glad traveling went well! Brent was just saying earlier tonight that we need to take the kids on a plane within the next year, probably up to Dallas just for a test run. When we do come up, I'll let you know for sure - Brent's brother is in Fort Worth now!

    Kristi :)
