Friday, November 6, 2009

Sleeping Baby

Celia has been a pretty good night sleeper since she was born (she is terrible at taking naps). The first two weeks the doctor made me wake her up every four hours to feed her, even though she wanted to sleep longer. At 12 weeks she usually sleeps 5-7 hours at a stretch before waking up to eat and then goes back to sleep for another 3 hours or so. Last night she slept 6 hours, but on Monday night she slept 9 hours! I don't expect this to happen again anytime soon, but it was great to know she can do it. In honor of her 9 hours, I'm posting some cute sleeping pictures.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Celia is becoming very vocal. She loves talking and laughing. Sometimes she'll just sit and make noises for a long time.

We're finally adjusting to daycare. It's much easier for me to drop her off each morning (I think today was the first day I didn't cry). And Celia seems to be doing better. They are giving her medication on schedule and her teacher said yesterday she was so happy smiling and talking all day. She still doesn't nap very well, but it will take a while to get used to all the other noisy babies.

As you can see dad changed her diaper last because he never resnaps her onesies.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Dressing Up for Halloween x 3

Celia had a great halloween.  She had a cute t-shirt for the day and a choice of two costumes for trick-or-treating.

I put her in this watermelon blanket and hat.  The baby on the package looked much happier than Celia did.  I think the hat was a little tight.

By the time trick-or-treating rolled around, Celia was tired and in need of a nap.  We hit a few of the neighbor's houses, mainly for candy for mommy and daddy, but we also had to show off our little pumpkin!

Our neighbor's daughter had a baby girl about a week before Celia was born.  Her name is Aubry and she's the cute ladybug.