Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Almost forgot - Happy Turkey Day

Celia's first Thanksgiving was a nice and quiet day. Aunt Whitney made a turkey breast, stuffing, mashed potatoes and rolls and came to our house. Momma made a pecan pie (which she ended up eating almost the entire thing by herself). We stayed at home, watched the Cowboys football game and enjoyed a lazy day. Celia sat in her high chair at the table while mom, dad and Aunt Whitney ate lunch. The picture is handprint turkeys she made in daycare.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin

Celia rolled over yesterday!  I'm attaching the proof below.  She was on her tummy yesterday morning and looked like she was about to roll over.  So I "showed" her how to do it and then put her back on her tummy.  She rolled over again.  And I did it again a couple of more times.  But by the time I got the camera, she was tired of that game.  So I waited most of the day and tried it again with camera in hand.  I'm also attaching a video of her talking - she's getting louder!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

4 Months

I didn't take an official 4-month picture.  Things have been too hectic.  Celia weights 13lbs now and is 26 1/2 inches long.  The doctor says she looks great and is right on track with growth.  Her reflux is getting better.  We see the specialist next week and hope that mommy can get off her "no milk, no soy" diet. She has good days and bad.  The doctor said we could start rice cereal.  I tried it on Sunday, but it was in the evening and she was pretty fussy and wasn't having any of it. I'll try again this weekend, probably in the morning and see if she's ready. He said to wait closer to 6-months to start actual foods beyond cereal.  Celia likes to roll from side to side and can lift up pretty high when on her tummy.  She hasn't rolled over yet, but that's ok, it's probably because she hates her tummy. She smiles a lot and laughs.  She likes when you make faces and talk to her. She is so curious about everything around her. As I mentioned earlier, she puts everything in her mouth - toys, her feet, her hands, mommy's hair, whatever she can get her hands on. She got sick a couple of weeks ago, which was rough, especially because mommy got sick too.  But we seem to be back on track.  We're now just looking forward to our first Christmas and some time off!

New Toy

I put together Celia's exersaucer the other day.  She's still a tad too small for it, but she likes all the little toys and sounds it makes.  The bottom is bouncy, but she can't quite reach it yet.

Sundance Square

Mom and Dad spent their first night away from Celia this past weekend.  Grammie and Gramps came down and kept Celia on Friday night.  Mom and Dad went to dinner at Del Friscos and got to sleep an entire night uninterrupted!  On Friday afternoon, Mom, Dad and Celia went to the hotel and walked around Sundance Square.  Celia was great and had a fun time.  And Mom and Dad came home on Saturday refreshed!

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Mom and Celia put up the Christmas tree on Thanksgiving weekend.  Celia was in the mood wearing a Christmas onesie that said "I Love Presents!"  She already has two Christmas ornaments of her own that say Baby's First Christmas.

First Snow

Celia got to see her first snow on 12/2.  Mom and Dad were definitely more excited than Celia.

In addition to the snow, there have been some cold days, which require a coat and hat.  Some of these are before heading out to school and some are just mommy and Aunt Whitney playing dress-up.

Hair (or lack thereof)

Celia is getting a bald spot on the back of her head from laying on her back so much.

Here's Celia in her Bumbo.  She hasn't quite decided if she likes sitting in it.  So far she thinks it's ok, but she definitely prefers to have someone holding her.

And here are more cute bath shots. The bath seems to be her happiest time of the day.

I Love My Aunt Whitney

Aunt Whitney comes over a lot and helps out mom.  She plays with Celia, gives her a bath and keeps her entertain so momma can wash bottles, take a shower, etc.

Family Pics

Everything Goes In the Mouth

Celia likes to put everything in her mouth.  All of her toys go into her mouth.  Her hands and fingers, she likes to suck her thumb and first finger.  She even likes to put her feet in her mouth.  The other night I was giving her a bath and I heard a sucking sound and I looked down and she was sucking her big toe!  So cute.