Tuesday, December 8, 2009

4 Months

I didn't take an official 4-month picture.  Things have been too hectic.  Celia weights 13lbs now and is 26 1/2 inches long.  The doctor says she looks great and is right on track with growth.  Her reflux is getting better.  We see the specialist next week and hope that mommy can get off her "no milk, no soy" diet. She has good days and bad.  The doctor said we could start rice cereal.  I tried it on Sunday, but it was in the evening and she was pretty fussy and wasn't having any of it. I'll try again this weekend, probably in the morning and see if she's ready. He said to wait closer to 6-months to start actual foods beyond cereal.  Celia likes to roll from side to side and can lift up pretty high when on her tummy.  She hasn't rolled over yet, but that's ok, it's probably because she hates her tummy. She smiles a lot and laughs.  She likes when you make faces and talk to her. She is so curious about everything around her. As I mentioned earlier, she puts everything in her mouth - toys, her feet, her hands, mommy's hair, whatever she can get her hands on. She got sick a couple of weeks ago, which was rough, especially because mommy got sick too.  But we seem to be back on track.  We're now just looking forward to our first Christmas and some time off!

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