Saturday, February 4, 2012

I still can't believe I walked 60 miles!

My friends and I try to get together every year for a girls weekend.  This year we decided to not only have a fun weekend away, but give something back.  We decided to walk the Susan G. Komen 3-day for the cure.  We went to Altanta since my friend Elsa had just had a baby.  Me, Elsa, Monica and Stacey (in order in the first picture below) all walked 60 miles over 3 days together.  The first day was pretty good, although we had to get up really early and it was really cold in the morning.  The second day we swore we would never do this again and really wondered why we volunteered for this.  The third day was a bit better.  We came around and decided that we might try to do this walk every other year.  The years in between you'll find us on a beach with a drink in our hands!

First morning before we got started:

In Atlanta they put us in the convention center, which is SO much better than camping outside.  We all had to pitch one of these pink tents.  Luckily I brought an air mattress.

This was the last day in the morning before we got started

Crossing the finish line!

Closing ceremony, look at all the walkers.

 This is all of us right before we get in the car to drive away.  It's so wonderful to have such great friends.  And after spending all that time together over the weekend, we still were hugging and smiling and so glad to be together!

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