Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Loyd's European Vacation

John and I were so lucky to visit Europe the week of Thanksgiving!  Celia stayed back in the states with grandparents and I know she had a blast getting spoiled everyday.  John and I flew into London, took the train to Amsterdam, another train to Paris and flew home in 7 days.  It was a packed trip, but we hit all the highlights and it was so wonderful.

Arriving in London.

 Our first beer at the pub:
 Buckingham Palace:

At Harrod's

Big Ben!

Westminster Abbey

River cruise on the Thames

Another beer, another pub in Leicester Square

The Tower Bridge

Hanging out with the Beefeaters


We stayed on a houseboat - it was so much fun!

Inside of our houseboat

The "coffeeshop" with John's namesake

Dutch pancakes were AMAZING!

Our last morning before catching the train to Paris.  I don't know how many chocolate croissants I ate on this trip, but it was way too many

The Dutch ride bicycles everywhere. Noticed the bicycles on the first, second and THIRD level.


The Eiffel Tower

Arc de Triomphe

Our dinner after walking Champs-Elysses


Notre Dame

Touring the sewers of Paris

The Louvre

Venus de Milo

Me & Mona Lisa

That's John in a front of the largest painting I've ever seen.

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