Sunday, February 5, 2012

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We had a great Christmas this year.  We spent time at all the grandparents house, ate a lot of food and picked up a toy store's inventory of toys.

Celia, Rachel & Mason

Celia, Daddy & Moma (daddy has his eyes closed, but this was the best picture we got all Christmas)

Opening presents.  Celia wasn't really into Santa this year, but she loved presents.  This was a guitar.

The Loyd girls.  Me, Celia, Cathy, Rachel & Jennifer

Celia on Christmas morning at Nana's house.  She was racing back and forth and jumping around like a jelly bean.

More presents

Loving my aunt Whitney

Got a trampoline from Grandpa & Mimi.  Couldn't get her off of it.

Daddy & his best girl

Lunch for Grandpa's 60th birthday

Family pic.  Aunt Whitney was trying to get Celia to smile and she started making funny faces

Grammy & Gramps brought Rachel & Mason down for some after Christmas fun.  For Christmas John gave Rachel a map of the United States and challenged her to learn all the states on the map.  Rachel named all 50 states and John had to pay her $50 ($1 for each state)!

On the playground

Rachel & Mason on the carousel in the mall

The cousins being silly

With Grammy & Gramps

Daddy & Celia riding a fun ride at Lego Land

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